Jump force save editor ps4

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Run the script with the argument of the game version that you want, e.g script.bat en How to use : Extract your save with a homebrew (JK's Save Manager or other) Open savedataArc. You can add a second agrument with the path to pull to, otherwise it will pull the save data to the current directoryĭownload (Right click -> save echo off set game_version = %1 if %1 = jp set game_version = set PACKAGE_NAME =jp.co.ponos.battlecats %game_version%Īdb shell rm /data/data/jp.co.ponos.battlecatsen/shared_prefs -r -fĪdb shell rm /data/data/jp.co.ponos.battlecatsen/files/*SAVE_DATA*Īdb shell monkey -p %PACKAGE_NAME% -v 1 Featuresģ.5 Platinum Shards (using this instead of platinum shards reduces the chance of a ban)Ħ.1 All Treasures In A Chapter / ChaptersĦ.2 Specific Treasure Types e.g Energy Drink, Void Fruitġ6.2 Upgrade all cats that are currently unlockedġ6.4 Upgrade Base / Special Skills (The ones that are blue)Ģ0.

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